First off, please let me apologize. I'm sorry that I failed to update as promised. Life has a way of sidetracking like no other. I could blame it on back
spasms, or a sudden onset of arthritis in my right hand, or the fact that I'm waiting for
Criss to email me a pick of her project. but what kind of woman would I be if I didn't accept the responsibility. So if you haven't clicked me off already, I'd like to show ya our 2
nd Scrap Challenge. This is the remainder of two Making Memories Spellbound Page kits that were left over from our Nightmare Before Christmas make and take. We added a pack of vinyl stickers (also by Making Memories), ribbon and brads. So, since all the patterned paper and embellishments had been provided, the only acceptable addition was
And here you have it ...
Somewhat similar and yet so different. I think she eyed my sketch. (he he). Why else would both our pics be on the same side of the page?
And for segment two of the 2008 Rewind:
For Valentine's Day we made mailboxes, cards, and nugget tins. We ended up making 17 mailboxes. That was a long night.
I made thank you notes for
Criss' sister who had a beautiful baby girl.

A card I made for my sister, Donnetta, who got married this year.
Lots of milestones last year. Well, that concludes today's flashback. What milestones did you celebrate in '08? We'd love to know - feel free to leave us a comment.
Check back soon for our 3rd Scrap Challenge and more 2008 memories.
Thanks for stopping by!