It's been two weeks since True Scrap 2: The Spawn of True Scrap and I'm still feeling the buzz. Since then:
- I've watched my favorite classes again. Some of them more than once. Seriously. Shimelle, Jennifer, Nichol, Aby, Lisa, Noell, and Kristina all rocked my socks. Soooo much inspiration.
- I went out and bought that Martha Stewart butterfly punch. The monarch one with the detail on the wings.
- I've downloaded the Postagram app.
- I've become even more addicted to Pinterest (is that even possible?). My iphone app shuts down on me, though. I just take that as a sign to get up and go do something productive. Note to self: productive does NOT mean turning on the desktop computer to browse Pinterest. Really.
- I've printed lots of photos and placed them in albums. This is so much easier to flip through when deciding which pictures to scrap. AND if for some reason, I never get around to scrapping them, friends and family can just look through the photo albums. I've realized that I like my photos better once they've been printed. Alot of the ones I thought weren't "scrappable" actually look pretty good on paper. I'm excited.
- There's layouts I want to scraplift and techniques I want to try.
- Now that my most recent photos are "cataloged", I'm planning to choose sketches and create photo grids for my layouts.
- I'm hoping to go through my completed layouts this weekend with Shimelle's suggestions. I haven't looked at most of my layouts since I found that "perfect" box I could throw them into until I was ready to put them in albums. Yep, just like Shimelle, if someone came to my house and asked to see my scrapbooks, I'd be like "uh....". I knew this was an issue, but I still never had the motivation to get moving, so now I plan to have this done by the end of the year. IN 2012 I WILL SHOW OFF MY SCRAPBOOKS.
I can't wait to get some time to play. Can you believe I've only been off twice since then? And I spent one of those off days trying to medicate a sinus infection. Let's just say "not fun". So wish me luck that I'll get some scrapping done soon 'cause I'm about to burst with inspiration.
If you weren't there check here for info The next one is in April, but if you can't wait that long, you can still purchase access to the videos.
Have you been inspired lately?
Until next time...