Sunday, May 13, 2012

Back on land, now time to scrap. Kinda…

I returned home today from a 7 day cruise to Jamaica, Grand Cayman, and Cozumel.

(iPhone photos)

It was fabulous, awesome, and definitely "OMG" worthy, but I won’t start scrapping those photos just yet. I’m a week behind in Shimelle’s class, Cover to Cover, and although I haven’t completed a whole lot of pages in my recent years of scrapping, those that I have finished are in desperate need of organizing so they can be placed in albums.

Prompt 1: System for photos, pages, albums?

1. If you have a system for your photos, pages and albums, how would you describe it? What does and doesn’t work as well as you would like?

Currently my system for photos is that I print all photos containing people and stick them chronologically into photo albums. I’ve been debating the need for thorough photo albums even though some pictures will be scrapped. Maybe this is just to get me off the hook, since I haven’t really been scrapping lately. At least this way any company I have can still see my pictures.

Ideally if I were about to scrapbook I would flip through the album as I decide which photos will get scrapped. Then choose a layout/sketch next so I know what size I need to print the photos (order 4x6, print other sizes at home). The drawback to this system is the price of printing duplicates and not having 4x6 photos available to scrap if I want to keep my photo albums in order.

I don’t truly have a system for pages since I haven’t completed many in the last few years, but those that I have done are in a pile, waiting…

Albums? What albums?

2. If you don’t have a system, consider my system as a rough draft. What things do you already think you would not want in your own system? What elements seem perfectly sensible for you?

I like Shimelle’s album system and will definitely do yearly albums with upgrades if needed.

3. Take a photo that helps describe your current status with scrapbooking. You might have dozens and dozens of albums. You might have two. You might be completely happy with your albums. You might have a big stack and no books or ideas on where things should go. Share your photo (and more details if you would like) with us either by posting on the forum or writing a blog post. Of course, you can keep your answer to yourself if you prefer! But I promise we’re a nice group that shares well with others.

HeHe. LOL. She’s kidding right?

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